Bankers, handshakes and the heart of forgiveness
Whether it's HSBC or Barclays money traders, the Queen and Martin McGuinness, John Terry and Patrice Evra..... Payday delay chaos, immoral work ethics, empty gesture handshakes, or no handshake at all - it seems the whole world has someone to forgive! Everyone has all kinds of issues in life. Forgiveness, or the lack of it, is one of the universals we all face. To qualify for forgiveness issues, we simply have to live for long enough - it won't be long before someone hurts you, inadvertently or deliberately. Like it or not, we will also hurt others in the same way. Mostly we seem to stumble through life oblivious to the trail of damage we leave in our wake - like the old boy who drives the wrong way up the one way street, shaking his fist at all those who seem to be against him, unaware of the carnage that a glance in his rear view mirror would reveal! What are we to do with the accumulated pile up in our rear view mirror - that done to us and by us? Whatever sweet pill...