'So have I loved you.'

'As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.' Is there a richer, more securing, and yet more undeserving statement in the entire bible than these words of Jesus to his disciples, recorded in John15.9? John 17.23 only strengthens the point. Jesus speaking to the Father about his disciples, '....you have loved them even as you have loved me. v26 '...the love you have for me may be in them, and that I myself may be in them.' Are we getting this? Jesus confirms that he loves us in the same way that he has been loved by his Father. T hat the Father has loved us in the same way that he has loved his son Jesus. T hat the love the Father has for him can be in us too - indeed, Jesus himself, the personification of that love, will be in us. These are staggering truths to meditate on! The depth and the richness of the Father’s eternal perfect love towards his Son: This same, eternal, relentless love, has been turned towards us, shared with u...