12 healthy ways to participate in online church and not just watch

12 healthy ways to participate in online church and not just watch I wrote down some reflections following our second weekend of big livestreams through Zoom and Facebook live. It turns out that all these principles will also apply when we return to our physical meetings! 1/ Go and be present with YOUR church family. Your church may be small, the service homespun. Don’t be a consumer, go and be present, show up, go with an attitude of giving not getting. There are plenty of amazing churches streaming great bands and teaching. Enjoy them at other times, but don’t mistake this for being with the local family which God has added you into. 2/ Pray beforehand. For the church to be strengthened, the guest to be added, for the gospel to bear fruit, and the kingdom of God to advance. Pray for those leading, preaching, serving with tech. Ask God to equip and help them as they serve us. 3/ Arrive early! Be around to welcome people, wave, smile, message....