Booklist from 2009

I've been asked to make some recommendations from my reading last year - rather subjective really, it's all a matter of taste after all.
Anyhow, here is my list from 2009 in the order in which I read them. A great range of stirring, provocative writing through to some absolute tat. Unfortunately, I had to read them all, counting it something of a betrayal to give up on a book once started. For that of course (& most of my other hang up's) I blame my mother.

1/ The Early Christians - Eberhard
2/ The Eagle & Prey - Scarrow (Roman historo/novel)
3/ The Eagle & Wolf - Scarrow
4/ Fasting - Jentezen
5/ Fire & sword - Scarrow (Napoleon/Wellington series)
6/ Generals - Scarrow
7/ Making Life Work - Hybels
8/ The Appeal - Grisham
9/ The Ultimate Treasure Hunt - Dedmon
10/ The Prodigal God - Keller
11/ Eagle Hunt - Scarrow
12/ Building a Contageous Church - Mittleberg/Strobel
13/ The Last Kingdom - Cornwell(Viking historo/novel series)
14/ The Reason for God - Keller
15/ The Bone Garden - Gerritson (thriller)
16/ Fire Evangelism - Ahn
17/ Kingmaking - Hollick
18/ Pale Rider - Cornwell (Viking series)
19/ So you don't want to go to church anymore? - Colson
20/ Lords of the North - Cornwell (Viking series)
21/ Searching for the source of the river British Pentecostal Revival - Chapman
22/ Agincourt - Cornwell
23/ The Traveller - Twelve Hawks
24/ Suspicions of Mr Whicher - Summerscale
25/ The Importance of Forgiveness - Arnott
26/ Deadline - Kernick (Thriller)
27/ Sword Song - Cornwell (Viking Series)
28/ They told me their stories - Edward Morris (Asuza Street kids stories)
29/ Sword in the Sand - Cornwell
30/ Dark River - Twelve Hawks
31/ Supernatural Realm - Bentley
32/ Jesus the Evangelist - Gamble
33/ Twilight - Meyer (Teen Vampire series)
34/ New Moon - Meyer
35/ Demolishing Strongholds - Devonish
36/ God's Remedy for Rejection - Prince
37/ Scarpetta - P Cornwell (Forsensic Detective thriller)
38/ Trouble - Kernick
39/ Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry - Valotton
40/ Wolf Hall - Mantell (Tudor epic)
41/ Child 44 - Rob-Smith (Soviet thriller)
42/ Borgia Ring - White (Thriller Dan Brown genre)
43/ The Way in is the Way on - Wimber
44/ Rumours of another World - Yancey
45/ Siler Pigs - Davis (Roman detective)
46/ Sovereign - Sansom (Tudor detective)
47/ Mr Moody & the Evangelical Tradition - George
48/ Book of the dead - P Cornwell (Forensic detective thriller)
49/ Happy Intercessor - Johnson
50/ Mephisto Club - Gerritson (thriller)
51/ Saying Yes - Releasing Creative Arts -
52/ Lost Symbol - Brown
53/ The Lost City of Z - Grann (biography of Amazonian Explorer Percy Fawcett)
54/ Worship Matters - Kauflin
55/ Eclipse - Meyer (Teen Vampire Series)
56/ Reformation - MacCulloch
57/ The Secret Speech - Rob-Smith (Soviet era thriller)
58/ The Provocative Church - Tomlin
59/ The Power to Change the World - Joyner
60/ The Surgeon - Gerritson
61/ Obliged to Go - William Carey biography
62/ Rebels & Traitors - Davis (English Civil War epic)
63/ The '59 Revival - Paisley
64/ Warrior Queens - Fraser (Boudica biography)
65/ A Year of Living Biblically - Jacobs
66/ Presumed Guilty - Gerritson
67/ Worship by the book - Carson


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