The Life & Adventures of David Turner - Age 39.5 - Chapter 2 - Unsaved Dave's Doorway

Dave & Mel drive home that night really stirred by their evening at Ian & Sam’s. The more they talk about them together, the more they agree – these guys are just so....well....attractive – that is their lives, there’s something about them, about their attitudes, their hope that get’s under Dave’s skin.

He can’t sleep that night thinking about it all. Funnily enough, Dave starts wondering about his own marriage. When was the last time he & Mel held hands & laughed all evening? He recalls gripping her hand during the Champions League penalty shoot out as John Terry ran up to the spot, but that was no laughing matter. Dave sits up in bed now, unable to stop thinking about how his whole life has become about work & how he’d never meant for it to turn out that way. He can’t help wondering if he & Mel could ever be as happy as Ian & Sam seem to be, or cynically, whether they really are all that? It certainly seemed authentic though.

Giving up on sleep, Dave wanders downstairs & goes online. Ian & Sam talked a lot about Jubilee, their friends, their lives -they weren’t pushy, but it just kept coming up during the conversation.

Dave found it easily enough, there on the first page of his Google search – He hadn’t quite remembered the name of the church right, but it still appeared in front of him. 30 minutes later, Dave had watched every video on the website, he’d even seen Ian & Sam on there talking about their small group of friends that meets in their home each week. Dave had also realised that this church meets in that community centre where his daughter Abi has netball training on Tuesdays – and that this coming Sunday they’ve got something on especially for guests.

After checking the league tables & reading the latest football transfer gossip, Dave notices it’s now nearer time to get up than bed time. Stifling a yawn, he slips back into bed next to Mel. Wearing her eye mask & ear plugs to block out Dave’s nocturnal wanderings, she remains oblivious.

Dave isn’t sure why he made the announcement at breakfast the next morning. But over his Saturday fry up he distinctly heard himself tell the girls, ‘I’m thinking of giving golf a miss tomorrow & wondering if we could maybe go & see Ian & Sam at their church down at the community centre?’

Coming next.....Chapter 3 - Unsaved Dave's Big Day Out.


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