Book of the year 2011-The Top 5

5/ The Spirit Filled Church – Terry Virgo
Quite simply, there is no better book which sets out in a few simple chapters to explain why we do New Testament church life in the way that we do. I have already given away a pile of these, and anticipate that I will continue to wherever we meet people that want to know why we do what we do.

4/ Meeting of the Waters, 7 Global Currents that will propel the future church – Fritz Kling
This was outstanding, even more so because at the time it was a free download on the kindle! I have not read a book on missions that I agree with more, and which speaks with an understanding of the post modern west, and the new wave of 21st century social justice missionaries. Even if you have to pay full whack for this book, you must buy and read it.

3/ The Snowman – Jo Nesbo
The rise of Scandinavian crime literature is unabated this year, filling the void behind Stieg Larsson. All Nesbo’s books are gripping, this one is utterly compelling. This stuff is dangerous for downloads, you will finish one and get straight onto Amazon for the next!

2/ Fathering Leaders, Motivating Missions – David Devenish
I read this one slowly, and it is still sinking in. I have never read such a thorough manual on how to lay New Testament foundations around the world, particularly into cross cultural situations. This book is already shaping how we work, and again will be one that gets given away time after time. It is going to serve us for many years to come and anyone who counts themselves as a Christian leader simply must have a copy on their shelf.

1/ The Case for Working with your hands, or why office work is bad for us and fixing things feels good – Matthew Crawford.
I prematurely declared this my book of the year back in March this year. It was so provocative, so well written, so much a voice needing to be heard in our generation, that I risked everything with an early announcement. Though I have read some good stuff since, I still can’t get past this wonderful book as my best of the year. Rather than wax lyrical again, the whole review from March can be found here

So Matthew Crawford sadly couldn’t be with us today to get his award, but you could make him a happy man I’m sure by buying his book, and getting your toolbox out of the shed.


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