We happy few....

Warm beer, cricket, stoolball, morris dancing, conkers, maypoles, poll tax, queueing, Brighton rock, Stonehenge, stony beaches,the Rolling Stones, the rolling south downs, Ugborough Beacon, Hadrians Wall, 'all in all we're just another brick in the wall', northern bluntness, Cheddar Cheese, Kendal Mint cake, Eccles Cake, Victoria Sponge, Queen Victoria.

Tea with the Vicar, Harrods, the corner shop, red telephone boxes, 007, Harry Potter, Del Boy Trotter, Whit Friday bands, the Beatles, Benny Hill, the Old Bill, the Robin Reliant, the Mini, the mini skirt, Notting Hill, Robin Hood, Yorkshire Dales, the Daily Mail, Diana Queen of our hearts.

Ed, Dave, Nick, Nigel, UKIP, you what, you want fries with that? Nicola Sturgeon? We've got Charles Spurgeon. First past the post, in off the post, lost in the post.

Sunday roast, marmite on toast, open fires, Spitfires, 1066, 1666, 1966, Pooh Sticks, Albert Hall, the dome of St Paul. 'We'll fight them on the beaches', annus horibilis, and did those feet in ancient times walk upon Englands green and pleasant land......?

Happy St Georges Day!


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